Latriste Graham 
Outstanding Community Impact
Her story as told by her nominating agency – Goodwill Easter Seals
Latriste spent 29 years on a dangerous path in Chicago. Her life revolved around gangs, prostitution, drugs, and jail. In 2007, while in treatment, she made a decision to leave Chicago. She left Illinois with a bus ticket, a sponsor lined up in MN, and a few contacts for aftercare. She started her recovery, attending prostitution and drug support groups. She moved into transitional housing. After over a year of being sober, she returned to Chicago to visit family. While she was there, Latriste ended up helping another woman who was very vulnerable. Thus began Coming Out of Bondage, a program that serves women leaving prostitution. Latriste is the founder. Since then, she has helped several women relocate and leave a lifestyle that is so damaging. She continues to do this through street outreach, and the passion in her heart to help. Latriste makes 4 visits to Chicago each year to do outreach. She talks with women on the streets about her program, leaves her number, and posts flyers. She has created some eligibility criteria for her program. If they are serious and ready to leave, she provides the following: • a bus ticket to Minneapolis • pick up at the bus station • transport to the county office to sign up for county assistance • rule 25 assessment • help finding a treatment program, if appropriate • finding shelter • referrals to other programs and services as needed • emotional support. In 2012, she was awarded a $1000 MicroGrant to help support her program. She eventually wants to provide housing. Latriste has connections to mentors who continue to help her plan, learn, and grow.
This is a letter of reference for Ms. Latriste. Whom I have known professionally and personally for a number of years, she has done volunteer work and professional contract work for me. Latriste has helped many women that I have referred to her and she has been excellent in dealings with the women. I find her to be a visionary type thinker and she has the ability to motivate people. During the time that I have known Latriste as a professional, she has been responsible and trustworthy handling all the women in a caring and timely manner. Whenever I ask for her assistance she always comes through, she is extremely dependable. I would and have trusted her with my own family members.
Latriste has the talent skills and heart for this very tough assignment she is always working to help others and needs to be supported in her efforts, I trust her with my reputation as she has the courage to do the right thing.
John Turnipseed
Executive Vice President
I am impressed with Latriste and her organization, she is the real deal, she makes sacrifices in her own life to help those less fortunate.Please Consider this as a sincere recommendation for a Woman of great passion and character. Any questions please call me at 612-455-4637